Customer support / cw to ccw-or vice verse

Clockwise to counterclockwise and vice versa (if depth sensor has ID15)

Kort sagt: para ihop datorn med Envilogger G1/C2 via Bluetooth eller C1/CS1 via USB, kör den önskade "autoConfig.jar"
In short: pair the computer to the Envilogger G1/C2 using Bluetooth or C1/CS1 using USB, run the desired "autoConfig.jar"

Steg för steg:

Installation process
Step by step:

If you connect via BLUETOOTH:

Medurs till Moturs, Bluetooth-version (filstorlek: 1,91Mb)
Moturs till Medurs, Bluetooth-version (filstorlek: 1,91Mb)

Clockwise to Counterclockwise, Bluetooth edition (approx file size: 1,91Mb)
Counterclockwise to Clockwise, Bluetooth edition (approx file size: 1,91Mb)

If you connect via USB:

Moturs till Medurs, USB-version (filstorlek: 1,91Mb)
Medurs till Moturs, USB-version (filstorlek: 1,91Mb)

Counterclockwise to Clockwise, USB edition (approx file size: 1,91Mb)
Clockwise to Counterclockwise, USB edition (approx file size: 1,91Mb)

  1. Make sure you are connected to the Envilogger G1/Envilogger C1, CS2 or C2 that the depth transducer that shall be re-configured is connected to.
  2. Extract the downloaded .zip-files, then: Run the autoConfig.jar file.
  3. In the Auto Config app, click the Configure System button (see image).
  4. Wait for the following to appear in the text field (see image).
  5. When you've reached this point, the depth transducer has been reconfigured. (Perform a test and make sure everything is working as expected too.)