It’s summer, 2020

After having developed, built and delivered the first 8-wheel drill rig in co-operation with Geoscand we will be on holidays from the end of this week to early August.
Posted by enviEnvironmental Mechanics AB Svensk tillverkare av CPT-sonder, loggrar för uppsamling av borrdata och 20 tons pushers. Vi har utrustning för CPTu, Vingförsök, seismiska tester och resistivitets. Allt du behöver för att göra geotekniska undersökningar kommer du kunna hitta hos oss.
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After having developed, built and delivered the first 8-wheel drill rig in co-operation with Geoscand we will be on holidays from the end of this week to early August.
Posted by enviNew application features are being demonstrated. And we are heading towards an autumn filled with exiting new product updates!
Posted by enviWe are at Grundläggningsdagen 2018 in Stockholm at Stockholmsmässan. Welcome to our stand and have a chat!
Posted by enviWe are looking forward to 2018 and hope to have a continuous great co-operation with all our customers and contractors. Several things has, and will, happen at Envi and you will find out all about it on our site, social medias and in email newsletters.
Posted by envi